TBA820 low power audio amplifier
Selasa, 12 April 2011 by skemarangkaian
At this time amplifier circuit based on IC KA2201, TBA820M, LM820M, and U820. You can use all ic is the series under the scheme. This amplifier circuit has a very small output power or low at 2W. Required supply voltage from 3 volts to a maximum of 16 volts.
Below is a scheme of this power amplifier
Part List
R1 = 100K
R2 = 120R
R3 = 100R
C1 = 100nF
C2 = 100uFC3 = 470uF
C4 = 220pF
C5 = 47uF
C6 = 100uF
IC = KA2201 , LM820M , TBA820M , U820M