90 Watt Switching Power Supply

90 Watt Switching Power Supply
Switching Power Supply in this article are able to supply power 90 Watt. Switching Power Supply series is built directly from an AC network system using special IC MC33374 switching power supply in the form of High Voltage Power Switching Regulator and with external components to the other.

IC MC33374 IC is a switching power supply designed to operate with an AC voltage source and works as a power switching converter with flyback technique.
Switching Power Supply Series has a 15 volt DC output with current up to 6 Ampere.
90 Watt Switching Power Supply Schematic
90 Watt Switching Power Supply Schematic

Series 90 Watt Switching Power Supply works by menyearahkan AC source is then used to activate the converter MC33374 system. The output of transformer switching converter MC33374 searahkan again later on as a DC voltage supply to be used for electronic devices.

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