LM3886 | High Performance Audio Power Amplifier

LM3886 | High Performance Audio Power Amplifier

Audio Power Amplifier is an important part in sound reproduction ina sound system. Audio Power Amplifier with this power IC LM 3886Audio Power Amplifier is a highly capable and able to produce68 Watt power avg. 4Ohm load and capable of producing power 38 Watt8Ohm load.

With good sound reproduction capabilities of 20Hz-20kHz also possessed this LM3886 Audio Power Amplifier. Audio Power Amplifier LM3886 Speaker is equipped with protection that will protect the circuit output from over-voltage, under-voltage, over-loads, a short circuit power supply, thermal run-away and the temperature peak.
Audio Power Amplifier LM3886 also equipped with noise reduction that can keep the audio system from noise well.
Schematic power amplifier with LM3886
Schematic power amplifier with LM3886

Feature owned LM3886 Audio Power Amplifier

  • 68W cont. avg. output power into 4Ω at VCC = ± 28V
  • 38W cont. avg. output power into 8Ω at VCC = ± 28V
  • 50W cont. avg. output power into 8Ω at VCC = ± 35V
  • 135W instantaneous peak output power capability
  • Signal-to-Noise Ratio ≥ 92dB
  • An input mute function
  • Output protection from a short to ground or to the supplies via internal current limiting circuitry
  • Output over-voltage protection against transients from inductive loads
  • Supply under-voltage protection, not allowing internal biasing to occur Pls | VEE | + | VCC | ≤ 12V, Thus eliminating turn-on and turn-off transients
  • 11-lead TO-220 package
  • Wide supply range 20V - 94V

Application of Audio Power Amplifier LM3886

  • Stereo audio system
  • Active Speaker
  • High End Audio Power TV
  • Suround Power Amplifier

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