Audio amplifier with IC AN7522, AN7523 and TDA2616

Audio amplifier with  IC AN7522, AN7523 and TDA2616
The series of amplifiers that are used on the television audio, amplifier used amplifier ICs, including the IC:
• AN7523
• AN7522
• TDA2616

Third series of the function with the same system, namely BTL (Bridge Transformer Less).
By using such configuration we get several advantages, namely no use coupling capacitors or coupling transformers.

Block diagram of circuit in the IC AN7522, AN7523 and TDA2616 as in the image below :

Schematic AN7522
Schematic AN7522
AN7523 amplifier schematic
AN7523 amplifier schematic

AN7523 amplifier schematic
Schematic TDA2616

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