Simple Oscillator / Pipe Locator
Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011 by skemarangkaian

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Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011 by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Oscilator | | |
Jumat, 27 Mei 2011 by skemarangkaian
by skemarangkaian
Make a series letters from the LED , Things to consider before making the sign of the LED array,
1) Use LED nodes.
2) Paint the top of the PCB with a dark color (black).
3) Note the LED specifications. In this experiment use a 5mm diameter LED nodes
that emit red, specification voltage of 3 volts.
The assembly of LED:
1) One letter composed at most 5 columns and 7 rows.
2) One column mostly composed by 6 LEDs are arranged series.
3) Then the fifth column are connected in parallel.
Posted in: LED | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Car amplifier, High power amplifier, Subwoofer Amplifier | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Audio, ICs audio amplifier, Power amplifier | | |
Minggu, 22 Mei 2011 by skemarangkaian
Mini 3 transistor amplifier is a simple amplifier with 50mW power drawn by 3 transitor.
The series of three mini-amplifier transistors can be used for loud speaker 8 ohm load. Source voltage required to activate the mini-amplifier can be drawn from the batteries 9V.Rangkaian 3 transistor amplifier is often used in simple portabe audio devices such as radios or small tape recorder.
Posted in: Audio, Power amplifier | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Switch | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Audio, ICs audio amplifier | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Power Supply | | |
by skemarangkaian
This is a simple preamplifier circuit for electret condenser microphone.
using a LM1458 dual op amp IC. The circuit takes the audio signal rom the condenser microphone and amplifier it, so you can use the microphone as the input to some device which wouldn’t normally accept microphone level signals .
Posted in: Audio | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: High Power Amplifier | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Power Supply | | |
by skemarangkaian
This inverter circuit can provide up to 800mA of 12V power from a 6V supply. For example, you could run 12V car accessories in a 6V (British?) car. The circuit is simple, about 75% efficient and quite useful.
Posted in: Power Supply | | |
by skemarangkaian
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Altium Designer 10.0 |
Posted in: Software | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Tester | | |
by skemarangkaian
The EPE Minder consists of two type- approved transmitter units and a receiver. If either transmitter becomes separated from the receiver, a buzzer in the latter part will sound.
The receiver is fitted with a switch to allow the use of only one transmitter if required.
This system was originally designed as a two-channel child alarm (to protect either a single child or two children at the same time) but many other applications spring to mind. For example, one transmitter could be placed inside a briefcase and another in a coat pocket. If the user forgot to pick up either of these items and walked away, the buzzer would sound in the receiver. The receiver must be carried on the per- son in a way that would make it practically impossible to lose it. This could be done using a belt clip, for example. Note that it will not be possible to use this system if either the transmitter or receiver were placed inside metal containers or if there were substantial metallic “screening” objects between them.
The operating range may be adjusted according to the intended purpose. However, it does depend on conditions. Adjustment is carried out by means of “aerial link wires” on the circuit panels. With all these in place, the range of the prototype exceeds 12 metres in open air. It will also work throughout several rooms indoors if required. If the battery voltage in either transmit- ter or receiver falls below a certain value, or if a transmitter is switched off, a buzzer will sound. The specified batteries in the transmitters should provide several hun- dred hours of operation. Those in the receiver should provide around 100 hours.
The EPE Minder uses a system of digitally encoded low-power radio signals,
which pass from the transmitters to the receiver. The code is different for each transmitter so that the receiver is able to distinguish one from the other. Type-approved, pre-aligned transmitter and receiver modules that operate at 433MHz. are used. No traditional “radio” skills are needed and no licence is needed for their use in the UK.
The circuit diagram for a single trans- mitter unit is shown in Fig.1. Current is
supplied to the circuit from a 3V “coin” cell, B1, via on-off switch S2 and diode D1. The diode provides reverse-polarity protection. It is best to use the specified Schottky device which introduces a smaller forward voltage drop, and therefore less loss, than a conventional silicon diode (0·2V rather than 0·7V approximately). Capacitor C2 provides a small reserve of energy and pre- vents the supply voltage from fluctuating. This stabilises operation. A low power 7555 timer, IC1, is set up in a standard astable (pulse generator) con- figuration. While switched on, this produces a continuous train of on-off pulses at its output, pin 3.The choice of resistors R1, R2 and capacitor C1 provide one pulse per second for one of the transmitters (Unit A) and one pulse every 1·2 seconds for the other one (Unit B). In fact, the timings are slightly longer but it helps to consider them as above. Also, the on times are much longer than the off ones in each case.
Posted in: Radio signal | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Power Supply | | |
Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011 by skemarangkaian
170 Watt power amplifier is a power amplifier that is built by IC LM4651 and LM4652.
Part of this power amplifier driver using the LM4651 IC designed specifically for the purpose of the class AB amplifier driver with short circuit protection feature, containing under voltage, thermal shutdown protection and standby functions. Section 170 Watt power amplifier using LM4651 IC with a MOSFET power amplifier is equipped with temperature sensors that will be used by IC LM4651 as controlnya thermal signal. IC IC LM4651 and LM4652 are designed specifically to each other in pairs to create a class AB power amplifier with protection features are detailed.
Posted in: High power amplifier, Power Supply Circuit | | |
by skemarangkaian
170 Watt power amplifier is a power amplifier that is built by IC LM4651 and LM4652.
Part of this power amplifier driver using the LM4651 IC designed specifically for the purpose of the class AB amplifier driver with short circuit protection feature, containing under voltage, thermal shutdown protection and standby functions. Section 170 Watt power amplifier using LM4651 IC with a MOSFET power amplifier is equipped with temperature sensors that will be used by IC LM4651 as controlnya thermal signal. IC IC LM4651 and LM4652 are designed specifically to each other in pairs to create a class AB power amplifier with protection features are detailed.
Posted in: ICs audio amplifier, Power amplifier | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Power Supply Circuit | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Power Supply Circuit | | |
by skemarangkaian
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Audio, Headphone, Power amplifier | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: High Power Amplifier, Power amplifier | | |
Kamis, 19 Mei 2011 by skemarangkaian
Radio communication transceiver is a radio transmitter at the same time the plane doubles as a radio receiver used for communication purposes.
It consists of the transmitter and the receiver are assembled in an integrated way. In mulamula generation, the transmitter or receiver or transmitter and receiver sections are assembled separately and is part of a stand sendirisendiri and can work well sendirisendiri Currently employed both parts are integrated in turn.
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Charger Circuit, Power Supply Circuit | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Charger Circuit, LED, Power Supply Circuit | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Intregated Circuit Amplifier, Low voltage amplifier, Operational Amplifier Circuit, Power Supply Circuit, Protector | | |
Selasa, 17 Mei 2011 by skemarangkaian
This is power amplifier based on IC TDA7294 with output power 150W with 8 ohm impedance, source voltage + - 25V.
Posted in: Audio, High Power Amplifier, ICs audio amplifier | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: High Power Amplifier, Power amplifier | | |
Senin, 16 Mei 2011 by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Fluorescent lamp, LED | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: CDI | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Inverter Circuit, Radio signal | | |
by skemarangkaian
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6 Volt to 12 Volt DC |
Posted in: Inverter Circuit | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: High Power Amplifier, Power amplifier | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: High Power Amplifier, Power amplifier | | |
by skemarangkaian
Power supply circuit to generate output below were variations between 1.3V DC to 12.2V DC with 1A current.
Posted in: Power Supply | | |
by skemarangkaian
Maybe we are more familiar with the term Minimum System AT89C2051 circuit, but this time I present a circuit which is not only a series of Minimum System AT89C2051 but more than that.
Posted in: Digital, Microcontrol | | |
by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Audio, High Power Amplifier, ICs audio amplifier, Power amplifier | | |
Minggu, 15 Mei 2011 by skemarangkaian
Posted in: Inverter Circuit | | |
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