Skema Rangkaian 220V Lamp Flasher
Sabtu, 21 April 2012 by skemarangkaian
Skema Rangkaian 220V Lamp Flasher. The 220V Lamp Flasher circuit basically is a line powered flasher which can be used in many applications such as the Chritmas lamp. Below is the circuit schematic diagram:
Skema Rangkaian 220V Lamp Flasher
- Input supply - 6 ~ 12 VDC
- Output - upto 200 W lamp / bulb load
- Optically isolated Mains supply
- Onboard preset to adjust the frequency (speed) of flashing (1 Hz to 5 Hz)
- Power Battery Terminal (PBT) for easy input 230 VAC mains and load connection
- Terminal pins for connecting DC power supply
- Four mounting holes of 3.2 mm each
- List Componet of 220V Lamp Flasher circuit
- CN1: 6 V to 12 VDC voltage source
- C1: 10uF/25V capacitor elektrolit
- C2: 0.22uF/275V capacitor elektrolit
- C3: 47uF/25V capacitor elektrolit
- C4: 0.1uF/25V capacitor elektrolit
- D1: LED
- D2, D3: 1N4148 Dioda
- PR1: 100K Variable resistor
- PR2: 50K Variable resistor
- Q1: TIC226 Triac
- R1: 2k2 resistor 1/2 watt
- R2, R5: 1K resistor 1/2 watt
- R3: 180E resistor 1/2 watt
- R4: 680E resistor 1/2 watt
- U1: LM555 IC timer
- U2: MOC3021
- V1: 230V AC input
- Z1: 100W Load
This circuit directly connected to the netting of electricity, voltage 220V electricity it could sting you. Avoid working in damp and directly with ground