IC Regulator LM78xx
Jumat, 23 Maret 2012 by skemarangkaian

Chip lm78xx provide facilities in the affairs regulator.
price is also relatively inexpensive and easy to find in the market
Skema Rangkaian 78 xx
Features important in the IC LM 78xx:
- current up to 1A
- Security short internal
- Safe temperatures 0°C - 70°C
- Temperature max 150°C
Voltage out put in the offer:
- LM7805C 5V
- LM7806c 6V
- LM7808 8V
- LM7809 9V
- LM 7810 10V
- LM7812C 12V
- LM7815C 15V
- LM7824 24V