Line Follower Robot with AVR ATMega8535
Jumat, 30 Maret 2012 by skemarangkaian
Line Follower Robot with AVR ATMega8535 - Make the robot line follower is exciting, especially for those who like to friends experimented with AVR microcontroller ATMega. "Line Follower Robot" is a robot designed to follow the trail (can be a line putus2 line or even a point to point). Creating a Line Follower Robot uses an AVR microcontroller ATMega 8535 is very possible and very reliable. Due to the design of a Line Follower Robot should we think that the trail will be followed step by step Line Follower Robot will be made to track or path in Line Follower Robot is passed. And of the Line Follower Robot needs tersbut feature2 owned by AVR microcontroller ATMega 8535 is sufficient and meets the needs of the Line Follower Robot. Line Follower Robot in the article with AVR ATMega8535 I made a simple graffiti to be possessed by a Line Follower Robot.
Line Follower Robot Block Diagram of the AVR ATMega8535
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Block Diagram of Line Follower Robot with AVR ATMega 8535 |
Function Block Diagram of Line Follower Robot with AVR ATMega 8535 :
- Line Follower Robot Sensor on can use a photo diode or photo transistor, this section serves to detect the presence of trajectory track.
- Keypad, this part of the function buttons to start / stop Line Follower Robot and as voters Line Follower Robot configuration settings for the field will be going through.
- Display, a part which serves to show the option of setting and the setting (it is enough that needs to be in view) of this section or the viewer can use a 7 segment LCD.
- Motor Driver, this part of a series of H Bridge DC motor driver. This section controls the motor in langsun. This section is an AVR microcontroller interface anatara ATMega with DC motor. I like to use the IC motor driver L298 family.
- ATMega8535 AVR microcontrollers, this section is the part that determines where the robot will be taken based on the data from the sensor. This section is set langkah2 Line Follower Robot in the conquest of the track.