Touch Switch Using FET
Minggu, 08 Mei 2011 by skemarangkaian
The series of touch this switch be an Touch Switch made using FET. This circuit serves to activate electronic devices only when we touch touch sensors.
Once we release a touch to the sensor, the electronic device that is connected is turned off again. The series of touch switch or touch switch is very simple, composed only of a FET, resistor and capacitor. The series of touch switches / touch switches work with source voltage 12VDC.
Once we release a touch to the sensor, the electronic device that is connected is turned off again. The series of touch switch or touch switch is very simple, composed only of a FET, resistor and capacitor. The series of touch switches / touch switches work with source voltage 12VDC.
Detailed series of touch switches / touch switch can be seen in thethe following figure .
FET Touch Switch
The series of touch switches / touch switch can only be used to illuminate DC, 12V DC lamp when it replaced the relay, the circuit can be used safely to load the AC network. Sensor touch to this series was made with 2 pieces of plate are arranged close together (within 1-2mm).