Tips for Choosing a quality Power Amplifier
Minggu, 15 Mei 2011 by skemarangkaian
Here are some tips you need to note:
1. Pick of the power that suits your needs. For personal use such as exercise, etc., is sufficient to choose an amplifier with a power of 15-20 watts. In most small power amplifiers are already available facilities such as Head Phone jack (eg Guitar Amplifier Laser 20) which is very useful especially for young people who have a habit of playing music until midnight. By leveraging these channels to Head Phone, then secured another household or neighbors will not be disturbed our music sound. Sound good hasilnya.Apabila amplifier system we will use to train together in a full band with drums, etc., then you should choose a larger power amplifier that is 70 watts or above. Thus the sound produced from the amplifier and sound system will not be drowned by the sound of pounding and pounding beat Drum.Untuk use on stage, you will need a higher power that is at least 125 watts or more, because this amplifier will be able to once we use as a monitor of musical instruments we're playing.
2. Choose the facilities we need. Do not buy amplifiers which have facilities that we do not really need when it is increasing the price we pay. Unless the same price we can get better facilities, there is no harm in our selection.
3. Choose a good quality amplifier. If we need an amplifier to your keyboard, then it is advisable to select an amplifier that does not change the color of the original sound generated by the keyboard musical instrument they will be (flat). There are many amplifiers that produce different sounds from the original sound, if this happens there will be other voices that would reduce the original character of the actual sound produced by the keyboard because of the addition or subtraction of a particular frequency. Usually this happens at a very low frequency (low bass) or very high frequency (high treble). (Try the sound system rental, sound rental service) For amplifiers Electric Guitar and Electric Bass this (flat characteristic) does not apply because it specifically for these two types of instruments are required specificity of character frequency. Basically for Electric Guitar amplifier output is not needed for low frequency and high. For Electric Bass needed a low frequency, but not required a high frequency. We can learn from the rental place and the sound system rental-quality musical instrument.
4. Model and performance amplifier can be considered final. The desired model will depend on individual taste. A good model according to a person, not necessarily a good thing according to those who lainnya.Pada most professional musicians model will be the last option or not too overlooked. They will be more concerned with the quality and facilities of the amplifier.
Maybe we can find also in the rental services professional sound and musical instrument rental place bagus.Demikian brief tips on choosing an amplifier, hopefully this can help to determine the right choice before you buy an amplifier and produce sound quality music is also of course .
Tips for Choosing Quality Amplifier
1. Pick of the power to suit your sound system. For personal use such as exercise is sufficient to choose an amplifier with 1-20watt power. In most electronic devices / small power amplifiers are already available facilities such as head phone jack (eg laser20 guitar amplifier) is very useful especially for young people who have a habit of playing music until midnight. By leveraging the channel for these headphones, then secured another household or neighbors will not be disturbed "attraction" we. If the amplifier sound system we will use to train together in a group full band * with drum and band instrument, then you should choose a power amplifier 70watt or above. Thus the sound produced from the amplifier will not be drowned by the sound of pounding and pounding drum beats. For use on stage, you will require more resources than most, namely at least 125watt or more, because this amplifier will be at the same we use as a monitor of musical instruments we're playing.
2. Select the facilities we need. Do not buy a multimedia system / amplifier that has the facilities that we do not really need, if it is increasing the price we pay. Unless the same price we can get better facilities, there is no harm in our selection.
3. Choose a good quality amplifier. If we need an amplifier to your keyboard, then it is advisable to select an amplifier that does not change the original color generated by the keyboard (flat). There are many Indonesian musical instrument amplifier that produces a different sound from the original sound, if this happens there will be other voices that would reduce the original character of the actual sound produced by the keyboard because of the addition or subtraction of a certain frequency speaker system. Usually this happens at a very low frequency. (Low bass) or very high frequency (high treble). To Lighting System, Electric Amplifier Electric Bass Guitar and this (flat characteristic) does not apply because it specifically for these two types of instruments required specificity of character frequency. Basically for Electric Guitar not dipelukan amplifier output for low frequencies and high. For Electric Bass needed a low frequency, but not required a high frequency.
4. Models and appearance can be thought being given to the last amplifier. The desired model will depend on individual taste. A good model according to a person not necessarily a good thing by other people.
In most professional musicians, models will be the last option or not too overlooked. They will be more concerned with the quality and features of the amplifiers for musical instruments. But if you are confused, you could just rent equipment or hire sound system rental equipment.