Make A Virtual Phone Battery
Rabu, 15 Februari 2012 by skemarangkaian
Virtual cell phone battery is a replacement cell phone batteries for those of you who use the phone as a modem. Including myself, who use the phone as a modem HAIER d1200p internet. Why must use this virtual battery. For those who surf hobby "full time" with a phone modem, would know the problem, the battery gets hot and fast reply wasteful even worn out.
This tool is a good solution to keep and care for our cell phones from the possibility of damage from over-charging its battery.I created a virtual battery works as follows:We take the source of its power supply from the USB port because the port is very easy and simple to use and simply provide a standard current source when the phone is online (500-750mA).
The workings of the circuit is as follows:Diodes or diode 2Amper in 5239 this standard to provide a useful addition to the polarity of the voltage which is also a component of protection against misuse. You can just use a 1 Amp diode (IN4002-4007). I use the IN 5239 is due to be durable, more resistant to heat.4v3 zener diode IN4007 and configured to create a portal voltage of 5V (4.3 + 0.7 volt zener Vin4007) and is useful as a protection system against possible voltage spikes in the event of damage to the CPU.220nF capacitor as a stabilizer and a substitute for the original battery cells.
The following also 100pF capacitor to smooth and filter the dc current through the diode 5239 which came out of the induction logging.Configuration between zener4v3, IN4007 diode and C 220n form a cell replacement from the actual battery cells, because the battery was actually a capacitor which had a large capacity.You can just remove the three components mentioned above. although it can work fine .
But results are not as good as that use virtual cell (replacement), which certainly was the security which we have to think to avoid the things which are not in want.Making way is to use an old cell phone batteries which have been wasting his cell, a raft of this circuit and the solder terminals on the batteries with the polarity distinguished. Make two holes for the cable to the jack / USB jack.
Determine the length of cable required to taste and use stranded cable with a diameter of at least 1mm.If some type of cell phone batteries are very thin, use a small box for this circuit and connect the two wires to the output voltage again for hp battery casing. Or also if you do not have a former battery casing, use alligator clips to the battery terminal on the phone .. Pin the middle of the virtual pin replacement battery is BSI (Battery Size Insdicator) is useful for HP Nokia.